ok i'll shut up and move on with the wedding...i must admit i had a brain fart and forgot to take pictures of the bridesmaids bouquets, which i loved...i think i was to busy obsessing over the brides bouquet and strung cranberries and how they would look falling over her hand (oh man, OCD much?...no no lets call it being a perfectionist, it sounds so much more, um...sane) 

the church was all christmasy and cute, and i could help but think i had walked into a wintery wonderland, the 2 feet of snow outside didnt hurt either. 12.31.2008
sarah & eddie 12.27.08
yes! a winter wedding, i LOVE them, maybe its the thought of tailored bridal gowns with 3/4 sleeves and coats, (by the way, i'm totally obsessed with this whole look) or maybe its because it affords me the right to get away with using sparkle, and a little bit of christmasy stuff without looking like i love glitter and giant bows. well wait, i do love glitter and giant bows, just not in conjunction with flowers. it is at this point when one might ask if i also love lisa frank, kitty cats, and unicorns...
now i have to admit, although i actually found myself liking the bouquets very much my favorite part of the whole wedding were the boutonnieres and corsages that mitchel made, they came out so cute and filled with amazing texture. love love loved them.
so with all this said, happy new years to you all...i'm going home to enjoy my friends and hopefully a lovely buzz.
new hampshire,
fruit makes everything christmasy
fa la la...

so...with all that said, i'm off to play in the snow and bitch about how cold my hands are...ah, as is life.
its snowing as i type...an 8 inch accumulation to be precise, and the news says its supposed to snow for the next 4 days. lets hear it for a white christmas! i've thought about running out to play in the snow, but then i remember that, well that means being cold. something i'm not very good at. i hate gloves...oh and dont get me started on mittens. the idea of having lobster claws for hands is something i have yet to wrap my brain around. so needless to say, my hands are always cold...and then i complain, something nobody wants a to hear a 28 year old do when all she has to do is go out and buy some dumb gloves.
so anyway, i got the chance to decorate a home this past week. she asked for nothing to christmasy/sparkley, something natural, and something that would carry her through the new year. well, wait...lets be honest, she asked to "not come home and feel like i've walked into the griswald's house." so with that said...i went with one classic holiday color and fruit. everybody loves fruit.

the candles were a surprise i had these fantastic black and white tapers waiting for me! (i was originally told i would be working with plain white tapers) i really think they added so much...and i just love them...mitchel said it was the perfect touch of nightmare before christmas...ahhh yes. 

falala, its that time of year...
the"blog survey" found me...
so, i have been a follower of blogs for a very long time. i have found that i have an insatiable need to look into people's lives who seem soooooo much cooler then myself. for the past few years i've randomly come across the "blog survey" a simple 6 answer questionnaire in which you just tell six things about yourself. easy enough...but you have to have the survey thingy passed on to you. its almost like one of those chain mail things you got when you were younger and had to complete out of fear of having your arm chopped off by a butter knife and that nights dinner or even worse having a ghost show up in your bathroom mirror during your morning shower. so dear sweet megan has tagged me for the survey to "see if i can peer pressure her to put personal things in her business blog" (megan is also a super florist...you should check her out!)
1. i collect stuff. lots of stuff (as you can see by the picture above...thats my cat roxy, she's cute). toys, bad artwork, fabric, buttons, books, art supplies (including pompoms, string and lots of glitter), vintage jewelry, ceramic boxes, things shaped like octopus...the list could go on. my mother always asks me when and if i need her to "help me purge"...sometimes i think its her love of cleaning which makes her want to come over to my place so that i can tell her "YES mom, i would LOVE for you to throw out everything on the left side of my livingroom!" ohhhhh you have no idea how much joy that would give her! i get my need/want to collect little silly often quirky objects from my father. a man who when i was growing up would take every "prize" from my happy meal and place them on the top of the door jams leading into each room of our house. a virtual happy meal world! when my parents moved to their current house, the door jam toys went away...but dont you worry my father has assured me that he still has them all in a box...somewhere.
2. i write the alphabet out by hand on every piece of scrap paper i can find. i have sketch books of letters, pages of painted "Ls", pencil "Qs" and every letter in between. strange, but true...i also write my full name over and over. my old co-workers in boston used to joke that i must be practicing my name in case i ever got lost and got hit on the head.
4. i love spending time alone. love love love it. i like silence, the freedom to not brush my hair, to wear whatever i want. to watch crappy TV that nobody can judge. i love not talking, making a mess and forgetting to clean it up for the rest of the day, eating nothing but popcorn for dinner. its all wonderful...
5. i really honestly love my job. i love everything about it....even down to sweeping up stems. it just makes me happy.
yup, i'm up for a little peer pressure this morning, so this is how this works...basically i write 6 random facts about myself, and then tag 6 of my bloggy friends. ok...cool, lets see how this goes...

3. i am obsessed with looking things up online. the statement "i dont know...lets look it up!" comes out of my mouth at least 6 times a day, and then there are the times when i am alone where i say it to myself...i am a sponge for knowledge, i feel the need to know a little bit about everything i talk about. if if its something as stupid as "who played that guy in that movie..you know the one with the blonde hair and bad accent!?" i have to look it up. i become a little crazy about it too...if i dont find out the answer it starts to eat away at me and i get very frustrated until i find out the exact answer i was looking for. needless to say, i'm kind of in love with google, and i'm kind of a smart ass.

6. it takes me hours to fall asleep at night. from the time i lay down in my bed, i could easily lay there awake for three hours. i find myself watching re-runs of the cosby show, the food network, anything thats interesting...but not really THAT interesting. some people may say, well if you turn off your tv you'll just fall asleep. this my friend is totally false. without the tv i find my self playing the sad version of pong that my phone came with, getting up many times just to walk around my apartment, and turning the light on and off just to see what that "noise" was. now dont get me wrong, i love love love to sleep...and i'm very good at it. its the getting to sleep that i seem to have issues with. insomniac? nope, just a bad falling asleeper...
oh and by the way, i just looked up "tricks to fall asleep..."
well that was fun!
valley flower company
valley flower company v2.0

so, yes we moved...from 1800sq feet down to less then 500sq feet. not an easy thing to do, but if i do say so it turned out very nice. (thanks dad...or should i say mcguiver!) she's small and cute and as my friend said "packed full of happiness..."
so come say hi :)
new hampshire,
valley flower company
hello again!

we have unpacked, re-arranged, bumped into each other countless times and have finally settled into our new spot. (pictures to follow, but because i'm a bozo i will continue to forget the camera on my desk at home...sorry, but be patient, they're coming!)
now back to flower news, i just recently got some pro shots back from heather and monty's wedding in september. amazing photographs, and if anybody in the area is looking for a photographer for an upcoming event, we HIGHLY recommend b. fisher photography! seriously, go check that site out, she's a pretty talented little cookie!
ok, again, sorry i digress...back to the flowers! i loved the idea of pink springy/summery garden roses at the end of september, the idea of flip-flopping seasons always makes me smile...
valley flower company,
moving day...
so, yes we are moving...so if you drive by and see nothing in the store dont cry yourself to sleep, we're still open!
and dont worry its not so far, actually, its just to the opposite end of the plaza we are in now. nothing will really change, same phone number, same staff (mitchel and myself), same flowers, same and come cool new gift product. just a different space.
so we will be closed from the 14th to the 23rd and will re-open the morning of the 24th just in time for thanksgiving! if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call 603.298.3370.
seneca & chris 8.23.08 (professional shots)

so...remember these guys? well i just got a couple professional shots back from seneca...and i just love how everything comes together; and man....how COOL are those bridesmaids dresses!?
well enjoy, i certainly did.
new hampshire,
valley flower company,
we email flowers. its the new thing to do.
being a florist is an odd job. the flowers are lovely, the people are great...you constantly get to make people happy, but yes...its odd. did you know that florist never get given flowers? its true...i would think the perfect gift for a florist would be flowers. strange? maybe...but think about it, who would love nothing more then a bouquet of flowers that were picked out especially for them!? a florist....its true, really...we spend all day making arrangements and bouquets for others, without getting to enjoy any of our handiwork. i often tell people when asked what i would like for a gift..."flowers please"
they laugh.
so, imagine my surprise when i casually opened an email from a florist friend in california only to find a picture of this arrangement with a little note. "i made these for you...hope youre smiling" (check out her stuff...she's pretty fantastic!)
ohhhhh! ok, yes i didnt physically have this lovely arrangement in my possession, i couldnt put it on my kitchen table and watch it die, but the thought behind it and the idea was so amazingly awesome. sometimes its the little things that really matter. so i sent her one too (the image above)...and she loved it just as much as i did mine. i then promptly received an email. "morgan, why do florists never get flowers?"
moral of the story: florist like flowers...a lot.
new hampshire,
valley flower company
come learn something cool...
hi there, as you may or may not know i offer classes at the store. we have set up another class for the evening of october 20th. (its a monday)
this class will be a basics of arranging class and will cover all the little tricks and tips for making a basic vase arrangement, as well as some other arranging basics. the cost for the each person is $80.00...included in the cost is a great selection of flowers, a vase, floral clippers and a ton of handouts and interesting tidbits. believe me...i'm a wealth of stupid knowledge ha. you'll leave the class with a beautiful arrangement much like the one i've posted above. no prior knowledge needed, just a love of flowers is helpful!
space fills up quickly and the class is limited to 6 people, so give us a call if you have any other additional questions. 603.298.3370
new hampshire,
valley flower company
colleen & ken 9.13.08

all ken and colleen asked for was something "cozy, comfy, relaxed and chic"....they left the colors up to me. all i had to go on was that the wanted something in formal silver containers and that the bridesmaids were wearing sage...this dress to be exact: Anne Taylor
now the one thing i cant stand is putting multi-toned pastel bouquets against sage dressed. i get bad visions of easter bunnies and plastic easter basket grass, not to mention jelly beans. blech, totally not a hot look.* so, i went with dark burgundies and plum purples accented with peach and sage greens. ahhhh, the perfect blend of pastel and seasonal tones. bingo!! I decided to keep the church arrangements very simple and mostly white as the church is filled with color and i thought it might be a nice break for the eye, as well as a elegant touch to the 2 hour long roman catholic ceremony. oh my....thats just WAY to long...
*helpful hint: if your in the planning process of your wedding and thinking about colors, keep in mind that to much of one "color family" or tone of colors may be a little blah or AH!...this being said there is NOTHING wrong with using shades of all the same color. ie: shades of orange, shades of red...this is actually my favorite way to design. its when you start throwing every pastel or vibrant color in the mix that things start looking a bit...hmmm...ok lets be honest here...its ugly. why not infuse your pastel family with a dark pop of something to just add a tiny bit of interest? or the opposite...take your vibrant color pallet and throw a small pop of light lavender or soft green into the mix. (if you need a visual example of what i'm rambling about scroll down to sarah and joe's wedding. you'll notice that although her bouquet is very soft there is a small pop of darker peach thrown in there to break up the color.) ok...enough, i'm off.
sylvia & joe 9.13.08

so painfully simple and elegant it hurts.
pee-gee hydrangea, explosion grass, rosemary and toad lilies...
i love it when something so simple is so pretty. the toad lilies dont hurt though...they're pretty fantastic.
new hampshire,
valley flower company,
busy kids

we're busy, and i'm sleepy.
i really want a puppy.
mitchel is throughly enjoying the opening of the new burger king...ew.
its rainy
fall has 100% hit new hampshire, as i'm now wearing a hoodie, and mitchel was cold all day.
i've become obsessed with big fluffy bows...whaaaaa!?
abby got engaged and i cant wait to do her flowers!
i've started to think about halloween costumes...so exciting! any ideas?
we have 4 weddings this weekend, posts will happen soon!
i'm so happy to be enjoying the colors and textures of the season.
oh, and i still want ice cream...
shannon & jesse 9.6.08

easy...cool, quirky, awesome.
shannon just needed us to make some corsages, and boutonnieres for her as she was going to make her own bouquets.
i just like how these turned out...actually i liked them very much.
new hampshire,
valley flower company,
sarah & joe 9.6.08

ok, i was so into this one. it was different, the concept was cool, and sarah wanted something totally ethereal. its not so often when i get to make flowers for a girl who reminds me of a wood nymph, and i say that with the utmost respect. that being said, on my first meeting with sarah i asked her what colors she had in mind...and she handed me a picture (as most brides tend to do). the picture was a shot...obviously very martha stewart of some flower arrangements surrounded by candles in frosted glass containers. so, as i do...i went straight to looking at the flowers. it was at this point that sarah actually told me she hated the flowers pictured, and wanted her colors to remind of her of the glow of the candle light in the frosted glass. (i've posted the picture...but please understand that it was a picture of a picture so thats why the quality is icky...)
it was then that sarah told me that joe had a major love for lavender...and that she wanted to surprise him by using it somehow. ok, i was so down...needless to say, i felt like i was in a spa the whole time...ahhhh relaxing.
new hampshire,
valley flower company,
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