
favorite flower, today i pick you!

gomphrena, globe amaranth, faux clover, strange little fuzzy balls. whatever you may call it, its my current favorite flower (after those amazing ranunculus which i'm still not over)...something about the colors they come in amazes me. acid purples flecked with orangie red, garnet reds accented with pink. silvery grey, with um...silvery grey. ugh, i cant get enough. 

1. Untitled, 2. きざし Indication, 3. Orange Gomphrena, 4. 千日紅, 5. Leaves opposite. Stems quadrangular and appressed-hairy, 6. Gomphrena, 7. strawberry fields, 8. Magical glass***, 9. Red Bloom

i'm also mildly obsessed with this bouquet(minus the strange ribbon collar, which i could do without) i mean come on...check out those little gomphrena just hanging out. sooooo pretty.  i honestly wish i knew who made it so i could tell them how much it ruled. but i dont, and i dont remember where i found it. (i suck) BUT...i want to make it for somebody, maybe with a little purple cotinus flower (google it!) thrown in for good measure. any takers? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would, if the bridal bouquet you already planned for me didn't sound so gorgeous!
