•All I want to do is melt on the couch and watch bad TV (House Hunters International anyone?)
•I made a pretty rockin' grilled cheese last night (avocado, bacon and carm. onions...yup)
•I've been reading this book. (its really lovely and makes me wish I drank more tea)
•I have SO many weddings to share with you, but well I'm currently to busy "cleaning" my desk.
(As you can see....um, I'm lying, but at least you know I have a coupon for a free appetizer or dessert! Weddings coming your way...I promise; but first I must finish "cleaning")

•I just realized that if I had anymore empty drink bottles on my desk that I may start to look like a homeless lady collecting bottles. (Current count...5)
•The new Martha Stewart Living makes me feel like I'm REALLY lame when it comes to Halloween decorations...must get on the ball. (Any ideas? Because I'm fresh out...I think the boogers have eaten my brain)

•I really love living here, it's super pretty...you should visit. (Make sure you stop in and say hi, I'm kind of shy upon first meeting, but I warm up quickly)