Oh Lindsay, I remember her fondly as the little blonde girl who lived across the street who I would "babysit"....or well, more realistically chase around her house most likely causing more work for her mother (I was really only a few years older, and I'm pretty sure her mom called it "baby-sitting" to make my awkward preteen self feel SUPER cool and responsible) Well, needless to say that little blonde girl, whose family I adore...got hitched. Lindsay's mom has always had the coolest style (I fondly remember her giving me the most amazing personalize stationary...and as a 10 year old, that was AWESOME. I'm pretty sure I promptly ran home, stuck some puffy stickers all over it and hid it in my bedside table) Anyway...back to the wedding, Lindsay's moms style obviously rubbed off on Lindsay (who has an awesome
blog...go check it out)...and of course every little detail was perfect, right down to the napkins.

(possibly the largest arrangements I've ever made...which were affectionately nicknamed Bertha and Masta Killah. Bertha is on the left)

(A wreath for the grill of Matt's vintage white pickup truck...I MUST see a picture of this....like, um, now)
(ask and you shall receive...)