I can't say I have any real excuse as to why I haven't posted anything here in over almost two months. I can pretend to come up with reasons, but really there isn't one except for the fact that I'm tired. We are STILL doing events almost every weekend (which is amazing for business, but hard on my brain) not to mention I am in full 2013 wedding planning craziness, I'm also in the process of building a website, so unfortunately the blog has fallen to the wayside. I still have so many gorgeous events from the 2012 wedding season to share with you, so lets start with this one.
Its not often I get to use this color palette, which I adore...puce (yes puce) being one of my favorite colors is not a color often asked for, so I was on cloud nine playing with all of these magical textures. In the end, it produced one of my favorite bouquets of the year.