Hi there! Remember me? In all honesty I visit the blog often thinking of things to write...I sit down to do type up something and I get distracted. Horrible excuse for my absence, I know. ANYWAY...we are in full swing wedding world over here, we've had 8 in the last two weeks and 3 more this coming weekend. I just got this fantastic link to Kendell and Jame's professional photos. North Photography does a wonderful job and Kathleen does a really beautiful job. Make sure to tell her what you think of her stuff!
So here are a few snippets, but be sure to follow this
LINK to check out all the beautiful photos from their day. OH! Be sure to watch the slide show...I found myself a blubbering mess in my office when the photo of Jame watching Kendell walk down the aisle popped up. Man, I love it when boys cry.