See all that open space in March? Not a note on the board....ok ok this doesn't mean I don't have things to keep me busy...because really thats so far from the truth. Weddings are booking quickly, and before I'm totally booked I would love to meet with you, plan something fun and totally unique for your event. Your name could be on that March calendar, complete with orange sticky note! Imagine the possibilities!? Oh wait, you're not getting married but would like to be on the calendar too? Well, are you having a party? A Bar/Bat-mitzvah? Need some stuff to stage your home? Just want to come hang out? I'm happy to meet with you too... but sad to say your sticky note would not be orange, but pink. Then once you book you would move onto the giant calendar in my office which I stare at every single day. Its a calendar extravaganza around these parts!! So give the shop a call to set something up...802.698.0358, I have my stickies ready and waiting!